De pulchra performance

Instead of copula many symphoniae
from Messiaen to Satie preferirebbe
et sublimerei volentieri if toi collaborassi
but fornicando bien c’è magnum diletto
so call poetry that softcore rendez­-vous
please download my seme clickando hic
a lot of gameti cherche le briefing avec toi

chaque penetration c’est pathetique
chaque pollution c’est magnifique

chaque marriage c’est intrinsecamente tragique
seulement into decadence il y a the resurrection
du chain freudiano qui latra and sbava
through lo slip without prestigiosa griffe
du sottoscritto solipsistic soi-­disant.

Ciononostante I love you beaucoup.

Après the coito una camel tra les lips
e le bed madido of our mixed umori
when je cherche di coccolarti seriously
the chateau de playing-­cards falls down
ainsi my ludus become perspicuo
suppellettili fly over moi
soprammobili fly over moi
ammennicoli fly over moi
traumatologiche les consequences
maybe ego prefere to quitter the garconnière
I me ne vo like speedy gonzales
nous nous rivedremo soon
if ti passa that desire of kill myself
est una very complexe relationship.

Ciononostante je t’aime so much.

(di Ludovico Polidattilo)